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How do I prepare a file to import a list of recipients (contacts) in SuperOffice Mailing?

What do I need to know to prepare a correct import file which could be used to import a list of recipients in SuperOffice Mailing?

When you want to send out a mailing to the contacts that are not yet stored in SuperOffice CRM, you can easily import a list of contacts from the file. 

  • If your contact list is in the Excel format click here
  • If your contact list is in the .txt format click here


If your contact list is in the Excel format

  1. If your contact list contains only e-mails, please organize them in one column.

  2. If your contact list contains names, surnames and e-mails, please make sure that names and surnames appear in one column and e-mail addresses in another.

    Note! The import file for Mailing cannot contain any other details about a contact, just name, surname and e-mail address.

  3. Please make sure there are no empty rows between contacts.

  4. Please make sure that the contacts do not include any signs you don’t want to see in contact’s name or e-mail.

  5. Please make sure that the contact list in the Excel file is saved in the CSV (Comma delimited) format, before importing it to SuperOffice Mailing.


If your contact list is in the .txt format

  1. Please make sure that names (and surnames) are separated by comma from the e-mails.

  2. Please make sure there are no empty rows between contacts.

  3. Please make sure there are no additional symbols in your contact list.



  1. Imported recipients that ARE NOT found in the SuperOffice CRM database, will only consist of a name and an e-mail address (or just an e-mail address). This means that only the template variables [[]] and/or [[]] will work for these recipients. To avoid empty variables in your mailings, make sure to preview the mailing first.
  2. The GDPR law requires to ensure that all the recipients of your mailing should have given you their explicit consent to receive mailings from you. In situations when the contacts in the import file are not registered in SuperOffice CRM, the mailing status of these contacts will be No consent and the mailing message will not be sent out. It is possible to override this option by adding a tick box next to Override consent and subscription

    Please note that this is not a legal advice, but just an explanation of functionality. We take compliance to the GDPR law very seriously and recommend everyone to follow the mandatory regulations. 

  3. Since SuperOffice 8.5 R08 Marketing prevents importing new contacts when adding a list as mailing recipients. 

More information

Troubleshooting video: What to do when the recipients' list is not getting loaded in SuperOffice Mailing?

FAQ: How to create a recipient list from SuperOffice?

FAQ: Why Mailing template variables are not filled in?