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What to do when SuperOffice Web Tools login dialog keeps popping up?

SuperOffice Web Tools login dialog is popping up on my screen, why does it happen and how do I fix it?

There are several known situations when SuperOffice Web Tools dialog keeps popping up:

When you try to configure an incorrect user name and/or password 

If you have recently changed your user name and/or password in SuperOffice CRM and haven't updated it in SuperOffice Web Tools configuration, login dialog could be popping up. In this situation you need to:

1. Type in your correct user name (1) and password (2), select Remember me option (3) and click OK (4).

Note! If you use SuperOffice Online, you may want to try typing in a UserID instead of an e-mail, in the User name field.

2. Then you should see that Web Tools are successfully connected. If you still get a login dialog it could be that a wrong SuperOffice site is used in a configuration.


When a wrong SuperOffice site is configured with the SuperOffice Web Tools

If your company has recently migrated to SuperOffice Online or have changed a SuperOffice URL, SuperOffice Web Tools configuration have to be adjusted respectively. To reconfigure SuperOffice Web Tools do the following steps:

  1. Right click on SuperOffice Web Tools application and choose Preferences.

  2. In the Preference screen, select the configured site and click Delete.

  3. Click on  in the top right corner and choose Download - SuperOffice Web Tools. 

  4. In the window that will appear, choose 'Personal computer Home/Office' and in the next step - the e-mail client that you use. 
  5. In the next screen click on the link "Click here to connect Web Tools to this SuperOffice installation", it will download a configuration file to your computer.
  6. When the xxxxxx.SoConfig file is downloaded, click on it to run it. If you will be asked for your credentials - fill them in. 

  7. The confirmation of the connection needs to show up in the right corner of your screen.

  8. Click OK and refresh your internet browser to finish the Web Tools configuration. 


When you use SuperID with an incompatible version of SuperOffice Web Tools

If your SuperOffice CRM has a SuperID feature, you need to upgrade your Web Tools to version 11.1 or newer. Click here to access the Web Tools download files.